Emergent Gateway Agri-Tech is unique in the storage and handling industry in that we give equal focus to the Business to Farmer (B2F) segment as we do to the Business to Business (B2B) segment. In the B2F segment, our primary focus is on Farmer Producer Organizations (FPOs). Additional focus areas include larger farmers (50 acres plus), consolidated operational farms (that consolidate farms owned by multiple farmers into a larger contiguous farm), other collectives, near-farm aggregators, and farmer entrepreneurs.
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Domain Partners
Emergent Gateway Agri-Tech will initially pursue the direct model. In other words, we will not be appointing any dealers. The purpose is to understand the market, customers, processes, equipment, and best practices at the ground level before appointing dealers.
Influencer Program: The direct model will be supplemented by a ‘Influencer Program’ roping in people with strong domain knowledge in the target market segment. An influencer is defined as a domain expert who has a direct personal or professional connection with the ownership or top leadership of the company who will have a major influence on approving the purchase.
Solution Partners
Emergent Gateway Agri-Tech’s business model is to focus on our strengths and to leverage the capabilities of the vibrant ecosystem that is available in India. The solution partners we are finalizing or pursuing cover the following areas: