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Why Emergent Gateway Agri-Tech

Emergent Gateway Agri-Tech’s vision is to bridge the technology and best-practices gap in Indian agriculture, particularly in agricultural equipment. Based on extensive primary and secondary research spanning 5 years, the gaps in agri-tech and EGA’s focus is summarized in the adjoining graphic.

EGA’s initial focus is on bridging the gap in the post-harvest space, starting with storage and handling of grain. Through a relationship with Meridian Manufacturing, EGA offers an extensive storage and flexible handling product-line that has evolved over 65 years. A follow-up relationship with Norstar Industries, added fixed handling systems that can be customized to meet any need.

The Current Partnerships Include:

Meridian Manufacturing Inc.

Silos – flat and hopper bottom, augers and conveyors




Bucket elevators, chain conveyors and chain loop conveyors

Emergent Gateway Agri-Tech is actively pursuing additional partnerships that either address a gap in the Indian agri-tech space or are complementary to existing partnerships. Most important, there needs to be compatibility between the culture, business model and vision of the two companies.